black onion seed oil

Black Onion Seed Oil ( Kalaunji Ka Tel) Benefits: All You Should Know

black seed onion oil

Cold-pressed black onion seed oil is used in the beauty, pharmaceutical and culinary industries. One of the main components of the cold-pressed black onion seed oil is thymoquinone. It is a powerful antioxidant that has anti-inflammatory properties, improves overall tone and improves performance. 

It is a cold-pressed product. With the natural method of producing organic products, all the beneficial properties are preserved. The cold-pressed black onion seed oil can help strengthen the immune system, reduce allergic reactions, and normalize weight.

Benefits and Uses of cold-pressed black onion seed oil 

The cold-pressed black onion seed oil has unique beneficial properties that can be used for the treatment and prevention of dozens of diseases, as well as for health and beauty purposes.

Application in medicine

With diabetes mellitus (pancreatitis)

    It should be noted that for diabetics, the regulation of glucose levels becomes the main task in the fight against the disease. In addition, the trace elements that make up black onion seed oil also contribute to the synthesis of insulin.

    For diseases of the respiratory system

    The cold-pressed black onion seed oil has anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, bactericidal, antiviral and expectorant effects on the respiratory tract. It can treat ARVI, tonsillitis, sinusitis, rhinitis, pneumonia, bronchial asthma, bronchitis, and seasonal allergies. 

    In oncology and cancer prevention

    Oncological diseases have long become the scourge of our time. The antioxidants and selenium in cold-pressed black onion seed oil strengthen the immune system and neutralize the growth of cancer cells. However, according to the statements of doctors, cold-pressed black onion oil should be used as early as possible, since during the period of intensive chemotherapy use is prohibited.

    With hemorrhoids

    Already ancient healers knew and used cold-pressed black onion seed oil to treat hemorrhoids, constipation and anal itching.

    The effectiveness of the treatment speaks for itself. 97 out of 100 people have blood pressure normalized You can also successfully buy and use cold-pressed black onion seed oil for this.

    Application in cosmetology

    For hair strengthening and growth

    This oil has an antiseptic and strengthening effect, vitamins in it prevent hair loss and reduce hair breakage. On the other hand, Zinc, manganese and phosphorus tighten pores and normalize the function of the sebaceous glands. Phytosterols are involved in hormonal metabolism and significantly reduce hair loss. In addition, dandruff goes away, brittleness, dryness and split ends too.

    Aceso cold pressed black seed onion oils

    With cellulite

    Anti-cellulite massage with a body wrap and cold-pressed black onion seed oil is an excellent remedy for fighting cellulite. The standard course is 20-30 days. Massage is not recommended with oil if there is already damage to the skin and during pregnancy.

    Cosmetic treatments using cold-pressed onion seed oil will help restore healthy looking skin. Wellness face masks are very popular. 


    Every woman's dream is to shine with beauty, regardless of age. And this is easier to achieve if you use cold-pressed black onion seed oil. It works great with wrinkles, accelerates wound healing and is even used for anti-cellulite massage. In general, this is a real tool of youth and beauty.

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